the social life of early medieval canonical collections

Category: News

Postdoc position advertised

The second postdoc position within the project has been advertised! We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher who will contribute to the main objectives of the project. Are you our new team member?

Studying the rich textual source material and its reception in different social and cultural contexts, you will investigate the ways in which developing social norms and values are manifested in the changes of particularly unstable texts, characterised by numerous ‘recensions’, variant readings and ‘contaminations’. You will use the project’s dataset, as well as contribute research results to it. Your findings should be presented in at least three major articles in international scientific journals, and you are also expected to contribute to wider communication of the project’s results. Furthermore, you will cooperate closely with all other subprojects and participate in the project’s programme of meetings as a speaker and organiser.


  • You should hold a PhD degree in Late Antique, Medieval or Legal History (or a related field). If you have not yet completed your PhD, please submit a statement from your supervisor confirming that the degree will be obtained by the time of appointment.
  • You have excellent research skills in relation to your career stage, clear descriptive and analytical abilities, and experience with palaeography, manuscript studies and the study of canon law.
  • You have affinity with Digital Humanities and are willing to acquire or expand your digital skillset. Familiarity with exploratory data analysis would be an advantage.
  • You must have excellent competence in English and Latin and a passive knowledge of the relevant modern languages. You are an independent thinker, ready to engage in interdisciplinary research, bridging philology, manuscript studies and social history.
  • You have a strong willingness to work collaboratively in an international research team and you are able to adopt a leadership role.

To apply (and find more details) please go to the Radboud jobs website.

Opening workshop

The first days of 2024 were dedicated to the opening workshop of the SOLEMNE project. In the intimate setting of Heyendael House on the Radboud University Campus, a group of specialists working with early medieval normative sources and digital datasets gathered to share lessons learned and future ambitions.

Huize Heyendael, Radboud University Nijmegen

Inspiring examples of the combination of early medieval sources and digital humanities were presented by Sören Kaschke (Capitularia project), Abigail Firey (Carolingian Canon Law project), Helena Geitz (Burchards Dekret Digital project), Danica Summerlin and Christof Rolker (Clavis canonum project), Shari Boodts and Gleb Schmidt (PASSIM project). The current state of research on the technical side of digital datasets was presented by Arjen de Vries (Radboud Institute for Computing and Information Sciences). The meetings produced a lot of food for thought. The conversations will undoubtedly continue in the years to come.

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